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Yoghurt (ranking test, basic tastes)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - basic taste (2 basic tastes)
Article Number: 3010037
Description: This proficiency testing is an excellent tool for your extern assurance for sensory analysis of milk products. In addition it serves as recognizied proof of the compentence of your testing panel in the external appearance. Possible methods for participation, e.g.: ISO 8587
Category: sensory testing food and feed milk products (other)
Accreditation: This proficiency test is within the scope of the A2LA and the DAkkS accreditation.
Refrigerated shipping November 2026 Add to cart
Yoghurt (ranking test, flavours)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - flavour (2 flavours)
Article Number: 3010041
Description: This proficiency testing is an excellent tool for your extern assurance for sensory analysis of food flavourings. In addition it serves as recognizied proof of the compentence of your testing panel in the external appearance. Possible methods for participation, e.g.: ISO 8587
Category: sensory testing food and feed milk products (other)
Accreditation: This proficiency test is within the scope of the A2LA and the DAkkS accreditation.
Refrigerated shipping November 2025 Add to cart
Yoghurt (ranking test, flavours)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - flavour (2 flavours)
Article Number: 3010041
November 2026 Add to cart
Yoghurt (triangle test, basic taste)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - triangle test basic taste
Article Number: 3010039
Description: The sensory triangle test is one of the most important sensory difference tests and an established quality assurance measure. The comparability of the organoleptic testing is the necessary prerequisite. With our proficiency testing schemes you can ensure the comparability of your organoleptic testing and demonstrate this in external representation. Possible methods for participation, e.g.: ISO 4120
Category: sensory testing food and feed milk products (other)
Accreditation: This proficiency test is within the scope of the A2LA and the DAkkS accreditation.
Refrigerated shipping November 2025 Add to cart
Yoghurt (triangle test, basic taste)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - triangle test basic taste
Article Number: 3010039
November 2026 Add to cart
Yoghurt (triangle test, flavour)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - triangle test flavour
Article Number: 3010043
Description: The sensory triangle test is one of the most important sensory difference tests and an established quality assurance measure. The comparability of the organoleptic testing is the necessary prerequisite. With our proficiency testing schemes you can ensure the comparability of your organoleptic testing and demonstrate this in external representation. Possible methods for participation, e.g.: ISO 4120
Category: sensory testing food and feed milk products (other)
Accreditation: This proficiency test is within the scope of the A2LA and the DAkkS accreditation.
Refrigerated shipping November 2025 Add to cart
Yoghurt (triangle test, flavour)
Parameters (qualitative): organoleptic testing - triangle test flavour
Article Number: 3010043
November 2026 Add to cart
Zahn-Wellens, EMPA test (ISO 9888, OECD 302B)
Parameters (quantitative): Final degree of degradation [%], Biodegradation t = 3 h [%], Biodegradation t = 1 d [%], Biodegradation t = 3 d [%], Biodegradation t = 7 d [%], Biodegradation t = 10 d [%], Biodegradation t = 14 d [%], Biodegradation t = 17 d [%], Biodegradation t = 23 d [%], Biodegradation t = 28 d [%]
Article Number: 2011137
Description: The samples should be tested for biodegradability at 20-25°C over a period of 28 days. The DOC value of the samples must be determined in a preliminary test.
Category: immunological, molecular biological and microbiological testing Environmental analytics biodegradation
Accreditation: This proficiency test is not included in the scope of the accreditation.
Refrigerated shipping September 2025 Add to cart
Zahn-Wellens, EMPA test (ISO 9888, OECD 302B)
Article Number: 2011137
September 2026 Add to cart
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